Main reasons to choose the location of the Nursery at Grzegórzecka area were the close distance to the Kraków University of Economics and it being in the very center of the city. The Grzegórzecka is located in the very center of Kraków with a perfect public communication linking it with all parts of Kraków with tram and bus lines. The best link and a closest stop is the Rondo Grzegórzeckie.
Because of the air pollution that occurs in Kraków, we try to protect our children from it as we can. Before going out for a walk the Teachers check the level of the pollution and if it is on a dangerous level to the health of the little onces, we don’t take them outside.
The Nursery is equipped with an special PM10 and PM25 air filter, so we filter the air in the Nursery as well.
Oczyszczacz powietrza został przekazany przez Marszałka Województwa Małopolskiego w ramach realizacji projektu zintegrowanego LIFE pn. “Wdrażanie Programy ochrony powietrza dla województwa małopolskiego - Małopolska w zdrowej atmosferze” współfinansowanego ze środków Programu LIFE Unii Europejskiej.

Hygiene and cleaning standards
- All employees working at our Nursery have current doctor’s and SANEPID health reports. Parents before registering their children are asked to bring doctor’s report that states that the child is at health to attend a Nursery.
- Children and employees have a separate pair of shoes to use in the Nursery that are kept on different clean shelves – each child has two separate shoe shelves in the cloakroom; one for the Nursery shoes and one for outside. The guests and parents visiting the Nursery are asked to put on disposable folio shoes to keep the surroundings clean.
- The employees after entering the Nursery wash their hands, change their outfit to Nursery clothes.
- Children after entering the Nursery have their hands washed with the help of our personnel, then they enter the play room. The Dirty Area is being cleaned by the employee.
- Additionally, children have their hands washed before and after the meals, after playing outdoors and after going for a walk or playing indoors. This procedure certainly applies to the employees as well.
- All of the surfaces and tables used by children during meals are cleaned with detergent and water after each meal time.
- The Nursery is equipped with a mechanical ventilation and is being ventilated with this system. The main door of the Nursery is equipped with the air curtain to protect for the hot or cool air to enter and also to protect from all the air pollution to enter the Nursery
- The dirty dippers before being thrown out to the bin are packed each into a plastic bag. The garbage bin is emptied twice a day.
- Hygiene is one of the first priorities at our Nursery, we follow everyday hygiene routines and make sure to disinfect surfaces properly. All of the room surfaces and toys are disinfected once every week.
- The vacuum cleaner used here is equipped with a HEPA filter that absorbs 99,7% of bacteria, viruses, and dust. It has been chosen especially for the needs of our Nursery.
- The paint used for coloring the walls at the Nursery is cleanable, hygienic and has antibacterial, antifungal features with all of the necessary certificates.
- Children have their own separate toilet with a washing sink designed especially for their needs. The water tap works with a touchless sensor as well as the liquid soup dispenser. The staff uses their own toilet.
- The carpets in the playing rooms are periodically washed with equivalent equipment.
- Periodically the play rooms are ozonized in order to disinfect the rooms and Nurseries equipment.
We want the children to train their hygienic habits, have an opportunity to develop from the diaper and learn to use a normal toilet.
In case of an illness the parents are asked by the Nursery’s management to keep their children at home until they make a full recovery, this applies to the working personnel as well.
Child’s safety
Our children do not under any circumstances leave the Nursery unattended and without proper care.
We are aware of numerous accidents that take place in homes. They are often caused by deficient caution. Daisy International Nursery has minimized the risk of possible accidents using the maximum of security tools.
Let’s list the security tools:
- As first, all of the chemicals and clearing measures are placed out of reach of children in a key locked cabinet particularly made for this purpose
- All of the doors have anti-slamming protection for children, that decreases the risk of jamming the little child’s fingers to none. In addition, the doors are equipped with blockade. All the jacks are protected with covers and electricity intake is cut off totally.
- All of the wall edges and corners are protected with soft wooden covers, the furniture corners have special rubber protections, so that we are sure about the safety of our children in case of falls.
- The drawers and cupboard doors are equipped with safety blockages, so that the children are not able to open them.
- When choosing the mirrors for Reggio Emilia Room, we paid attention for them to be safe for children, they are made from a special plastic material, they are unbreakable, their edges are blunt.
- The radiators in Daisy International Nursery are all covered with wooden protectors, so that children do not have direct contact with the heating surface.
- All of the toys at the Nursery have certificates for children’s use.
- There are thermometers in all of the Nursery’s Rooms and the temperature is being controlled (the recommended temperature is 21 degrees).
- Only healthy children are being accepted for care at our Nursery, in case of a health problem that occurs at the Nursery parents are informed immediately by telephone and are requested to pick up their child from the Nursery. During the convalescence children stay at home.
- All children are insured in Generali insurance company against accidents – without any additional costs. Parents can view the insurance documents at the Nursery. insurance policy
- Our employees have completed a First Aid for Babies and Children CourseView Certificate
We thoroughly pay attention to children’s nutrition. The little children are fed with nourishments brought by their parent’s in closed, certified and signed jars. For older children we have prepared an offer of catering nourishment. The catering company is certified to provide food for children.
Children have breakfast, soup, lunch and a snack in our Nursery.
The menu for children is being prepared with extreme care for their needs, parents have the possibility to view the menu each week. We want children to try new and healthy food and to gain adequate healthy feeding habits.
In case of allergic problems to certain products, we consult the parents and prepare a special menu.
The goal of our Nursery is: for the older children - through gaining experience learning the savoir-vivre of eating and learning the right habits. For the little children the goal is - to teach them eating independently (without help of parents).
The beverages are prepared from bottled water, appropriate for children.
Our Nursery can provide children with diets composed according to their traditional needs.
We pay full attention to the day plan of our Nursery. Children need rituals, repeatability that give them a sense of security. Therefore, all of the activities at the Nursery take place every day at the very same hour. Sleeping and resting is a very important part of a child’s life. Children sleep at the same time each day. These hours are 12:00 to 14:15 and they sleep in the play room. The Nursery is equipped with certified, plastic, safe and very comfortable beds for our little ones. During the nap time in the room there is one teacher to watch over the children’s safety and sleep. The average sleeping time of the children is 1,5 hours.
All of the children willingly sleep in our Nursery.
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